The previous research I did into target audience's was not in-depth enough for my liking and therefore I decided to do more. My group went away and gathered information about how to work out the target auidence and different ways of going about it. We then had a lesson, learnt about it in even more detail and went away and did more research. I now feel I can identify the exact target audience and it is detailed enough for its purpose.
The type of research I did, was make a mood board of the ideal person to see the film and go into their 'life' in a lot of detail. Also I drew a picture of them and labelled things about them around it. (The mood board will be uploaded and further in this post I will go into elements of their life).
Target audience description:
A 16-17 year-old girl with mousey brown hair, flawless skin, quite pale, occasionally wears makeup, usually has hair in 2 plaits. Has middle-class parents, they are in late fourties and have been married since late twenties. They were childhood sweethearts. They own their house and live in a 'good' neighbourhood. The house is semi-detached and has a garage at the side, where the Volvo lives. She has also got a younger brother, who is 12-13. And they get along beautifully. Basically, a picture perfect family, living in a extremely tidy, picture perfect home. Ooops, forgot to mention the dog. So an extremely tidy house plus a few muddy paw prints! The whole family have a great relationship and due to this and their stable economic status, they have always have an annual 2 week holiday in the summer and one other abroad family trip sometime in the year.
Her school life is pretty much the same. She is popular, her personality is never negative and she never says a bad word about anyone, to or behind their face. She is currently taking 4 A levels at the sixth form of her secondary school. She is averagely clever, won't do amazingly but she will get by with quite good grades.
She is the type that always does homework, is never late to school and never forgets tests or anything. Her best and favourite subject is History, along with Drama, which she hopes to persue a career in, in the future.
Teachers think of her as a 'role model' and a 'golden girl'. She is the definition of a suck up and teachers pet, but in a 'funny' way where fellow pupils find it amusing and don't get annoyed with her, she is a definite part of the 'cool' crowd.
Her fashion is good. Its simple and follows the crowd with trends but in a nice, simply chic way. She is a plain jane and does get stuff just because her friends have similar things. She would never make a statement, with her clothes, conversation or makeup or anything really. Generally, a bit of sheep. She shops at the likes of Topshop, FCUK and similar large High St chains. She wears a small amount of makeup on a regualr basis, sometimes more but generally not much. Doesn't stand out of the crowd, however is a genuine, nice girl.
After all the lovely, boring stuff about her, she does have a different side, hardly ever expressed. All her friends find it very odd as it is very out of her character. This side is more of a 'dare-devil' and brings out the rebellious side she wants to express and show off, perhaps to impress? She seems more free-spirited and simply stupid. This side is seen after drinking alcohol and she suddenly turns from the sensible, quite quiet girl she has been, into this louder, more daring, making jokes, talking to strangers etc, odd person. It is a secret from her parents as she is the apple of their eye, and her friends don't want to worry them.
It is very unexpected from a girl who even teachers see as a school 'role model' and her friends don't particularly no how to go about it so have not yet approached the situation. In hope, it may go away without them needing to confront.
She can be an idreniline junkie and really enjoys the excitement of rollercoasters and fairs and that type of thing. Again that is an unexpected side of her so her friends feel it could be just that type of thig coming out when she is drinking and having that same type of feeling in a different way and situation.
As I haven't completed all of my research on the target audience, I will leave it at that for the moment, and soon add more, including the mood board of this un-named girl and how I see her and her habits and influences.
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